الثلاثاء، 14 أبريل 2015

Light reflection
    The reflection of light is the deflection of light by straight lines in a certain direction (specific) after falling on the body of polished (mirror - a plate of aluminum - an hour of silver - water surface dweller ...)
Phenomenon in the reflection of light and the angle of light Rhode indexed angle of reflection If the incoming beam perpendicular to the polished body, the reflected beam matches the beam contained
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Reflection 1
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Refraction of light
Rays of light scattered by straight lines in the middle transparent homogeneous one, such as air, water, glass but if you go light from the center of transparent homogeneous to transparent Last homogeneous middle of the observations and experiments show that the light changes the direction of the spread when passing surface interval between the two mediums Alchwevin, called surfactant Alcasr Thus, the refractive index change in the path of the light beam traveling transparent medium to another transparent at the center of the surface Alcasr
And the phenomenon of refraction makes this rarely dipped into the water in a slanting position looks like broken at the interface between air and water (Alcasr) surface
The same phenomenon of refraction that enables us to see the coins immersed in a tub of water closer to the surface of the water than it is in reality
It was as if we put coins in the basin a little hidden from the eyes and then Sakbna water little by little we will notice the appearance of the coin of the eyes (Picture coin) This explains the phenomenon of refraction

Air colorless gas has heavily on the Earth's surface and fills all the pots parts and cavities that are not occupied by another substance, and we can feel his presence if moving a key element in the life of all living things, both of them that live on land or water

Air consists of many gases, including nitrogen (N), oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and some rare gases
Percentage volumetric components
78.09% nitrogen (nitrogen)
20.95% oxygen
0.03% Alorkon
0.03% carbon dioxide
Few and varying amounts of other gases
Air does not preserve a certain form, but spreads to fill the void that encounter can be seen when taking an internal framework for the wheel and make a hole by then pour sand in the frame through the hole we note the accumulation of sand in one place because the sand is not spread by itself, while if Nfajna frame the air spreads In every place where thus conclude that the air-dispersible
Also, the air does not preserve a certain size, as we can make the air is compressed by taking a syringe filling Vohtha then the pressure on the air located inside we note that he accepts compression
Conditioning as well as expansion and contraction property heat and cooling shows through heating flask connected crater tube dipped in water, which makes us note the air bubbles out of the beaker and this shows on the air expansion. Then leave the flask cools we note the rise of the water to the beaker to take the place of air that stretch and came out of the beaker and this shows on the air the rest contraction Baldoriq
And also the characteristics of the air conditioning that block and note that when the weigh frame internal wheel of empty air Nmlah and then re-weighed Vnstantg that air mass, after the frame has become heavier. 1 l of air weighs 1.3 g
 Air-gas has no color or taste or smell found in the atmosphere and the Earth's surface and whenever Artfna into space whenever decreased quantities and is essential to the life of organisms. Air consists of several gases such as oxygen and nitrogen by five (nitrogen) and water vapor, carbon dioxide and other gases. Air features several characteristics including proliferation and compression and expansion and contraction effect as the heat can be transferred from one vessel to another vessel, which takes the shape of the pot Almujd it, and has a mass of 1 liter as it weighs 1.3 g, almost
Gaseous exchange in the level of the lungs
Adkhalal breathing air from the nose and then the process is moving in the pharynx, which is a common passageway for air transit and food until it reaches the throat where the epiglottis works to close the throat in the event of eating to prevent his access to them. Working cartilaginous rings in the trachea to survival is open to facilitate the passage of air, and then the air passes through the shins Alhoaúatin to the lungs and are a spongy tissue containing air sacs and blood capillaries. Occurs as a result of breathing constriction and energizes the air enters the lungs into the lungs through the air and then bronchioli smaller units called Balsaibat aerobic and at the end of each division there is a bag of air sacs surrounded by a lot of capillaries
Capillaries containing millions of cells that make up a single layer through which gas exchange where oxygen is transmitted through the process Alancharmen alveoli into the capillaries and vice versa move carbon dioxide from the capillaries into the alveoli and then come out with exhaled air
We see in our daily lives and we hear the news of the fire, and inflammation of some objects. What is the concept of combustion? What are intervening in the elements? What are the elements Alnmatgh?
Combustion is the height of the flames and smoke billowed body with a starting temperature
Intervening in the combustion process elements are combustible material, oxygen and heat that heats the material to the point of combustion
Resulting from the combustion process elements are heat, water vapor, carbon dioxide, coal soot and light
Burning candle
The candle is made up of cotton wick surrounded by wax. This wax is a mixture of paraffin and animal fats. How can burn the candle? What are the components of the given? What is the element that ignited the first in a candle? What are the elements resulting from the combustion?
Enkerb fire from the candle wick triggering first and begin the hard wax next to the flame in fusion and then impregnating the wick burning party and turns into a combustible gas

Nla luck in the candle flame three regions
Yellow illuminated area at the top of the flame if we have introduced the wire copper discs become covered with a thin layer of black (soot coal, which makes the flame is lit)
A dark area in the center of the flame if we put the wire copper discs do not blush and temperature rise which indicates low temperature of this region and if we put a tube of metal note emission gas white flammable, indicating that this region is composed of wax gas
Blue area at the bottom of the flame if we have introduced the wire copper discs blush rising temperature, suggesting that this region with high temperature
Crush the flames candle white dish we notice a thin layer of black soot covered saucer represent the coal that makes a flame lit
Nnks glass tube connected lime water on a burning candle and then leave the experiment for some time, we notice a sour lime water, which indicates the presence of carbon dioxide resulting from the burning candle
Nnks cold glass on a burning candle, we notice the drops of water on the walls of the cup which indicates that the water vapor produced by the burning candle
Thus, we conclude that it is produced by the burning of candle light, heat, coal soot, water vapor and carbon dioxide
Blood circulation device
Heart works regularly to keep the continuous circulation of blood in the body, and carry blood veins of the body to the right atrium and it goes into the right ventricle, which is to pump blood through the arteries to the lungs where gas exchange is called the blood that have the color red slash blue carbon dioxide and absorbs oxygen transforms its color to red Gan then returns to the heart through the left atrium and called this session session Minor
Blood moves from the left atrium into the left ventricle, which pumps it to all members of the body through the aorta, which branched off into other arteries and then to the capillaries, where gas exchange and food with the cells of the body is located and then the blood returns to the veins that carry blood to the heart and called this session major cycle
Heart Valves
Blood components
A drop of blood
Yellow means be about 55% of the blood, and the water represents 90% of the composition and separated from the rest of the cells if we add blood to prevent Aloczlat Taktherh
Red and white blood cells and blood platelets
Leukocytes and consists of red and platelets in the bone marrow
The White blood cells

Is colorless cells with a nucleus of up to one millimeter of human blood corpuscle to 7000 and consists in the bone marrow and in the lymph nodes (sputum)
The White blood cells
Erythrocytes are concave-sided discs, yellowish red color, but plentiful in the blood to give it its red color, which is flexible, it is compressed when passing vessels Balsairat
Red blood cells to be 40% of the volume of blood which we have continuously made in the bone marrow and live 120 days and then destroyed and thrown into the spleen of fragmentation there and keeps iron. And erythrocytes containing hemoglobin, a red protein represents 95% of the dry weight
Platelet cells, but not parts of the cells appear in the form of very small tablets filled Alsitoblazema consists in the bone marrow and up to 300,000 cubic millimeter of blood. And blood platelets play an important role in blood clotting, as with the red blood cells and fibrin thread stopper blocking the surgeon
Thrombosis: if we take a little bit of fresh blood, we note that after a certain period of clotted Ftersp at the bottom of the tube clot and floats above yellow liquid is serum
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Function of blood
Blood several functions, including the transfer of gas, food and these functions are blood components
Slow plasma role in food that has been digested within the digestive tract and transfer absorbed from the intestine into the body's cells. In the transfer of waste resulting from the work of the cells to the kidneys
During the process of breathing blood passes into the lungs of oxygen Viltsq hemoglobin found in red blood cells and then work erythrocytes and hemoglobin together to transport oxygen through the body and deliver it to all cells and tissues, and when the hemoglobin molecules become empty, they attract carbon dioxide and other gases are passed them on to the lung that works to rid the body of them through the process of exhaling
The White blood cells
The leukocytes defensive role Taking dead cells and bacteria and swallowed up by this process is called phagocytosis They also have the ability to configure antidepressants prescribed by the germs and deactivate
The platelet Btakther blood as they quickly disintegrate when exposed to air constitute with erythrocytes and fibrin strands stopper blocking wounds and prevent blood from gonorrhea and endangering human risk

Blood circulation device
Heart works regularly to keep the continuous circulation of blood in the body, and carry blood veins of the body to the right atrium and it goes into the right ventricle, which is to pump blood through the arteries to the lungs where gas exchange is called the blood that have the color red slash blue carbon dioxide and absorbs oxygen transforms its color to red Gan then returns to the heart through the left atrium and called this session session Minor
Blood moves from the left atrium into the left ventricle, which pumps it to all members of the body through the aorta, which branched off into other arteries and then to the capillaries, where gas exchange and food with the cells of the body is located and then the blood returns to the veins that carry blood to the heart and called this session major cycle

Heart Valves
Blood components


A drop of blood
Yellow means be about 55% of the blood, and the water represents 90% of the composition and separated from the rest of the cells if we add blood to prevent Aloczlat Taktherh
Red and white blood cells and blood platelets
Leukocytes and consists of red and platelets in the bone marrow
The White blood cells

Is colorless cells with a nucleus of up to one millimeter of human blood corpuscle to 7000 and consists in the bone marrow In the decade
Lymph (sputum)
The White blood cells
Erythrocytes are concave-sided discs, yellowish red color, but plentiful in the blood to give it its red color, which is flexible, it is compressed as it passes Balsairat
Red blood cells to be 40% of the volume of blood which we have continuously made in the bone marrow and live 120 days and then destroyed and thrown into the spleen of fragmentation there and keeps iron. And erythrocytes containing hemoglobin, a red protein represents 95% of the dry weight
Platelet cells, but not parts of the cells appear in the form of very small tablets filled Alsitoblazema consists in the bone marrow and up to 300,000 cubic millimeter of blood. For the role of platelets and blood clotting Humvee as it is with the red blood cells and fibrin thread stopper blocking surgeon
Thrombosis: if we take a little bit of fresh blood, we note that after a certain period of clotted Ftersp at the bottom of the tube clot and floats above yellow liquid is serum
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Function of blood
Blood several functions, including the transfer of gas, food and these functions are blood components
Slow plasma role in food that has been digested within the digestive tract and transfer absorbed from the intestine into the body's cells. In the transfer of waste resulting from the work of the cells to the kidneys
During the process of breathing blood passes into the lungs of oxygen Viltsq hemoglobin found in red blood cells and then work erythrocytes and hemoglobin together to transport oxygen through the body and deliver it to all cells and tissues, and when the hemoglobin molecules become empty, they attract carbon dioxide and other gases are passed them on to the lung that works to rid the body of them through the process of exhaling
The White blood cells
The leukocytes defensive role Taking dead cells and bacteria and swallowed up by this process is called phagocytosis They also have the ability to configure antidepressants prescribed by the germs and deactivate
The platelet Btakther blood as they quickly disintegrate when exposed to air constitute with erythrocytes and fibrin strands stopper blocking wounds and prevent blood from gonorrhea and endangering human risk

Resulting from malnutrition diseases
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Produces malnutrition by excessive food intake or exclusive consumption somewhat one of them and cause the diseases like common cold and the lack of vision at night (lack of vitamin A), scurvy (vitamin deficiency d), obesity, binge eating, and tooth decay (a lot of sweets ). In order to maintain our health should be eating slowly and chewing well be at regular intervals with a move away from reading during and be clean and preserved from dust and germs with no shower immediately after eating so as not to break down the process of digestion
Venus components
Venus is a reproduction (Sexual reproduction) in the envelopes of seeds is done by tapir and fertilization. Venus is composed generally of the oceans vase situated at Takht (Holy), a
Trophy: The periphery of the Zahrhottkon of papers (Splat) are usually green fixed per type and number (5 Splat in flower Lathyrus)
Coronet: consists of colorful floral leaves (petals) form an ocean in the inside of the cup and these papers are often colored with bright colors to attract insects, as well as a fixed number in the same species (5 petals in flower Lathyrus) and protects the cup and Coronet internal parts of the flower
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Venus is composed of members of an internal
Stamens, a reminder members consisting of warp elongated part called cord topped bulge called anther (anther) contains beads vaccine (pollens)
Pistil (heirlooms) represents the center of the flower is a member of feminization and consists of the ovary (no hollow chamber inside eggs that grow to be a seed, grows to be the fruit of the ovary) and pen and stigma (secretes a sticky substance stick to pollen grains

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